Politicians, including Obama, Clinton and McCain, get the drubbing they deserve in this excellent piece by Bill Moyers on our broken healthcare "industry". Watch it here:
It remains mysterious why Obama in particular doesn't grab hold of this issue and respond to voter demands for Single Payer HR 676. What is he thinking?
The bad news on the Massachusetts plan is starting to come out: it has cut the ranks of the ininsured by only 50%, leaving many uninsured, and it is a fiscal disaster.
It's what you get when you respond to the cry for universal coverage with mandates, subsidies, government intrusion into private lives, higher taxes and increased government regulation of the industry, with higher total costs and more hassles for employers, all just to keep the insurance companies in the picture.
Anything resembling the Massachusetts plan will be political poison come autumn---and that is what both Clinton and Obama are proposing.
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